togaf architecture vision document exampletogaf architecture vision document example

the enterprise. defining the Architecture Principles for the first time, as explained in the TOGAF Standard phase (Preliminary Phase). Determine the impact of information ownership on these interactions.>>, <>, <>. Vision will provide leadership and direction for the organization in subsequent phases. Ensure that the Business scenarios are an appropriate and useful technique to discover and document business requirements, and to articulate an Based on the purpose, focus, scope, and constraints, determine which architecture domains should be developed, to what level of Resolve impacts across the Architecture Landscape. Describe situations where one principle would be given precedence or carry more weight than another for making a decision. TOGAF Standard is an open architecture framework, providing a practical, definitive and proven step-by-step method for developing and maintaining enterprise architectures. Preliminary Phase). For example, the current standard is mixing core, rather unchanging content over the years . There are also objectives which are aligned to broader strategic and enterprise goals, for which the IMS strategy & architecture is a key owner. Phase C: Information Systems Architectures, 6. Architecture Vision Project XXXX Client YYYY <Note: This document provides a generic template. Text describing the key concepts and notation used within the diagram will also need to be included so that users can easily read and understand the view.>>, <>, >, <>, <>, <>, <>. The purpose of the vision is to agree at the outset what the desired, outcome should be for the architecture, so that architects can then focus on the critical areas to validate, feasibility. A common practice is to draw a simple solution concept diagram The domain needs to determine which characteristics they wish to capture.>>, <>, <>, <>, <>. Gaps identified in the Architecture Capability require iteration between Architecture Vision and Preliminary Phase to the architect can help to identify and understand the complex web of relationships between business entities as well as where The diagram below provides a view of the target business function categories and business functions. to load the Contents List for that Part of the TOGAF document into the Secondary Index frame in the left margin. Enterprise Architecture Enterprise: A collection of organizations that share a common set of goals Large corp may hold multiple enterprises Extended enterprise: partners, suppliers, customers s Enterprise Architecture: a conceptual blueprint that defines the structure and operation of an organization The goal is to identify to most effectively achieve current and future objectives The open . The Architecture Definition Document spans all architecture domains (business, data, application, and technology) and also examines all relevant states of the architecture (baseline, interim state(s), and target). The document defines the scope and approach that will be used to complete an architecture project. 0% found this document useful, Mark this document as useful, 100% found this document not useful, Mark this document as not useful, Save TOGAF 9 Template - Architecture Vision For Later, <>. Otherwise, it involves defining these essential items for the first time. Business scenarios may also be used at more detailed levels of the The ADM has its own method (a "method-within-a-method") for identifying and articulating the business requirements implied in In general, the TOGAF framework embraces the concepts and definitions presented in ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010:2011, specifically the concepts that help guide the development of an architecture view and make the architecture view actionable. However, if they are relevant, this section may either provide references to the relevant documentation that has been produced separately by the domains, or provide the necessary information. This applies to unbranded and branded architectures.>>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>. Identify the risks associated with the Architecture Vision and assess the initial level of risk (e.g., catastrophic, critical, corporate management, and the support and commitment of the necessary line management. Often models like that shown below are used for this View.>>, <>. However, it can also be used by the domains that do not produce a full (current and target) or current state business architecture but still want to know the (priority) areas on which to concentrate, and thus minimise effort. known as business scenarios, and is described in detail in Part IV: Resource Base, Business Scenarios . 5. Identify the key stakeholders and their concerns/objectives; define the key business requirements to be addressed in this organization wishing to use TOGAF entirely for internal purposes (for example, to develop an information system architecture for This process is can be supported by creating Value Chain diagrams that show the linkage of related capabilities. As a baseline, scope statements must contain: The architecture sponsors, and stakeholdersA statement of requirementsThe architecture goals and objectives The architecture non-goals (what is out of scope)The business processes, locations, and organizations (e.g., business areas) within scopeThe constraints, limitations, and boundaries Additional scope descriptions may exist in other documents (e.g., the project brief and PID) and can potentially be referenced here. Business scenarios are described in Part IV: architecture effort; and articulate an Architecture Vision that will address the requirements, within the defined scope and Clarifying that purpose, and demonstrating how it will be achieved by the proposed architecture development, is the whole point of Otherwise, it entails If the relevant technology architecture is described in other documentation, in terms of quality criteria, this section should make clear: However, if the relevant technology architecture is not described in other documentation, in terms of quality criteria, this section should make clear: <

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