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As those have stronger affinity for the pathogen (e.g., virus) and can reach high concentrations, they can quite easily outcompete our natural Abs for binding to the pathogen/virus. Dr. Vanden Bossche has publicized his letter on Twitter: In this open letter I am appealing to the @WHO and all stakeholders involved, no matter their conviction, to immediately declare such action as THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY OF INTERNATIONAL CONCERN. Deze sfeer is mee geschept door de experten en de media. My statements are based on nothing else but science. As the unprecedented extent of human intervention in the Covid-19- pandemic is now at risk of resulting in a global catastrophe without equal, this call cannot sound loudly and strongly enough. Theres even grift likely involved! In de tweede plaats stelt hij dat deze vaccinaties op termijn wellicht auto-immuunziekten zouden kunnen veroorzaken. Zowel bij de experten, bij de politiek als binnen de media zouden er dan logischerwijs evaluaties moeten volgen van hoe en waarom men zo fout was. David Gorski / March 18, 2021 Naturally grifters are going to use the same arguments, although I dont see any fraud in Dr. Vanden Bossche, other than his scientifically risible arguments. Ten derde wijst hij erop dat de gezondheidsrisico's van Covid-19 voor gezonde kinderen, zoals ziekenhuisopname, verwaarloosbaar klein zijn en dat vaccinatie vanuit dat oogpunt voor die groep geen enkele zin heeft. Vanden Bossche stelt het voor alsof een virus na slechts enkele mutaties al bestand kan zijn tegen een vaccin en zo erg dodelijk kan worden. The role of spike protein variability inT cell immunity is likely to be elucidated in experimental studies in the next few months; a priori, the enhanced repertoire of T cell epitopes makes the loss of cytotoxic activity or recognition improbable. Aangezien het geen debat betreft maar een reactie op een reactie in de vorm van een monoloog is het als leek moeilijk in te schatten wie er wetenschappelijk gelijk heeft. Samen zetten zij zich evenwel af tegen het beleid van keizer Jozef II en streefden zij naar de onafhankelijkheid van de Zuidelijke Nederlanden, hetgeen leidde tot de Brabantse Omwenteling (1789 - 1790). Likes. He claims that its because theres so much coronavirus circulating and so many people might produce suboptimal levels of antibody to the virus that, as is the case when antibiotics are used at levels too low to eliminate bacteria and thereby result in strong evolutionary selection for resistant strains of bacteria, a mass vaccination program is doomed to result in resistant variants of coronavirus, particularly when the vaccination program has started out targeted: As if this was not already heavily compromising innate immune defense in this population segment, there comes yet another force into play that will dramatically enhance morbidity and mortality rates in the younger age groups: MASS VACCINATION of the ELDERLY. He asserts that his statements "are based on nothing else but science." Bij herpes bijvoorbeeld. However, as we age, we will increasingly face situations where our innate immunity (often called the first line of immune defense) is not strong enough to halt the pathogen at the portal of entry (mostly mucosal barriers like respiratory or intestinal epithelia). In online biographies, Vanden Bossche describes himself as "inventor on a patent application for universal vaccines." Hun leider was de rechtsgeleerde Hendrik van der Noot (1731 - 1827). The second benefit to Vanden Bossche's claim is that it places his purported invention as the miracle solution to the COVID-19 pandemic. I have to point out that coronaviruses, in particular SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19, do not mutate especially fast as RNA viruses go. "Hoe zou dat ook moeten werken? Sep 13, 2021. And its true. and to induce herd immunity (which is exactly the opposite of what current Covid-19 vaccines do as those increasingly turn vaccine recipients into asymptomatic carriers who are shedding virus). Dr. Vanden Bossche has also taken to social media to air his concerns, and his message has been enthusiastically embraced by antivaxxers: Lets just say this. Vanden Bossche is bij het publiek bekend vanwege zijn kritiek op het coronabeleid van overheden. Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche is a veterinary doctor who also has a Ph.D. in virology. Relatiedeskundige Rika Ponnet beantwoordt de vraag van de week: "Moeder-dochterrelaties zijn meest complexe relaties Dan toch geen Europees verbod op benzine- en dieselwagens? However, increasingly clear evidence exists that the current COVID-19 vaccines reduce transmission, as well as the amount of viral material available for shedding, even in asymptomatic cases. Hij beweert dat je door veel te vaccineren tijdens een pandemie een nieuwe en veel dodelijkere vorm van het virus kan creren. Again, this is an argument antivaxxers have made dating back at least to the pertussis vaccine. Its another step in the decades-long erasure of the fact that our sophisticated and highly effective immune systems work well and dont need any assistance from the biomedical/pharmaceutical industry. En wat met die massale sterftegolf die Geert Vanden Bossche voorspelt? Freya Van den Bossche (born 26 March 1975) is a Belgian ( Flemish) politician and daughter of prominent former Belgian politician Luc Van den Bossche. An example of a leaky vaccine is the vaccine against Mareks disease, highly contagious and deadly viral disease of chicken that is a major problem in the poultry industry, and Dr. Vanden Bossche relies on this precedent, as Nirenberg explains: For a moment though, lets entertain the notion that the vaccines are leaky. Der Urheber der These ist der Belgier Geert Vanden Bossche, der in den Berichten als Impfexperte" oder anerkannter Top-Virologe" bezeichnet wird. Na enkele dagen van stilte nam Vanden Bossche vandaag zijn camera en reageerde met een video op hetgeen in de media is verschenen. Duitsland blokkeert goedkeuring, Auto rijdt binnen in huis in Mol, bestuurder pleegt vluchtmisdrijf. Hierbij vertegenwoordigt hij standpunten die slechts door een heel kleine minderheid van wetenschappelijke experts wordt gedeeld. Visit's Geert Vanden Bossche Page and shop for all Geert Vanden Bossche books. Integendeel, de uitbraken zijn onder controle gebracht.. Specifically, scientists have long been pointing out that, the more we let COVID-19 circulate, the more likely virus variants that can escape the immune response to the vaccine (and/or to natural infection) are to emerge, and they use this argument as a rationale for vaccinating as many people as possible as fast as possible, in order to slow that circulation of the virus to as low a rate as possible, thus reducing the opportunities for strains resistant to the vaccine and strains able to re-infect previously infected people to emerge. Theres abundant evidence that Vanden Bossche has a not-so-hidden agenda. While Vanden Bossche's ideas may be rooted in actual scientific concepts, his argument quite explicitly relies on sweeping assumptions. Mass vaccination will only work if the vaccine prevents or decreases transmission; i.e., if it is not leaky (although he doesnt use the term). He also states that hes worked with GAVI: The Vaccine Alliance and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, although searching the websites, I could find no reference to him other than a report written by him and others to GAVI about progress on an Ebola vaccine. Hij kreeg achteraf de wind van voren van het parlement, maar 'antivaxer' Geert Vanden Bossche vertelde woensdag in het debat over vaccinatieplicht niet uitsluitend onzin. . "There can be no doubt," Vanden Bossche asserts, "that lack of exposure due to stringent containment measures implemented as of the beginning of the pandemic has not been beneficial to keeping peoples innate immune system well trained. Dit toont nogmaals de nood van open debat aan. Agnes van den Bossche (c.1435 - c.1504), Flemish painter. TV Shows. Ik heb een lijst van professoren die mijn bezorgdheden delen en zal deze publiceren. Het werkt op verschillende fronten tegelijk. Central to the concept in his article, published via the in-house journal of the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS), an organization I like to refer to as the John Birch Society of medical societies given its penchant for conspiracy theories and pseudoscience, was that the MMR vaccine, by selecting for more aggressive measles strains, could result in a sixth extinction event. Vanden Bossche asserts that COVID-19 vaccines pose a unique risk of producing dangerous variants in part because people who are vaccinated will be spreading the mutations while asymptomatic. Of course, the type of vaccines to be used would be completely different from conventional vaccines in that theyre not inducing the usual suspects, i.e., B and T cells, but NK cells. Noting how quickly Dr. Vanden Bossches letter was embraced by antivaxxers, Frei then writes: But from my experience as a former long-time medical writer and journalist (1988-2016) particularly a four-month stint with media-relations giant FleishmanHillard in 1994 (yes, Ive worked for the dark side) this has all the hallmarks of a drug-company astroturf campaign. Vanden Bossche presented his ideas to the public in a series of open letters or powerpoint presentations on his personal website. Dit artikel werd gepdatet op 1/4/2021 om 9:26. Follow More from Medium Mehek Kapoor in. Nog meer mensen laten sterven?. The way we drive projects, the way we prepare our organizations for the change ahead even the metrics to calculate the success of a project are changing.<br><br>But with all the management methodologies and agile techniques in our backpack, are we running projects . As we explain below, this scenario is speculative, scientifically flawed, logically inconsistent, and belied by actual data. Des te meer in ons land aangezien hij een Belg is. The situation is just too urgent! Basically, Dr. Vanden Bossches open letter is a mess that directly channels Andrew Wakefield. Vanden Bossche lijkt het proces te beschrijven dat bacterin bestand maakt tegen antibiotica, legt Vandermeulen uit, maar je kan bacterin en virussen (zoals het coronavirus) niet met elkaar vergelijken. Indien hij gelijk krijgt natuurlijk. Thus if evidence emerges that particular variants do appear to influence vaccine efficacy, it should be possible to periodically reformulate the vaccines so that they better match the circulating strains. (He bases this on the observation that in those infected with COVID-19 asymptomatically, S-specific Ab levels decline faster than in those with symptomatic infections.) Sufficient scientific evidence has been brought to the table. "The food you eat isnt sterile, he explained, the dust you inhale isnt sterile, the water you drink isnt sterile.. In the first two letters alone, he uses some variation of the phrase "it is reasonable to assume" at least seven times. However, NK cell-based vaccines will primarily enable our natural immunity to be better prepared (memory!) Maar een virus zou een hele resem mutaties moeten doormaken om het afweersysteem van ons lichaam te omzeilen. We'll try to work on further translations and regular updates. 1 jaar oorlog in Oekrane: hoe geraken we hieruit? 53(4) . Snopes and the logo are registered service marks of, Image Via Screencapture / Evidence exists that they achieve this effect even against the variant strains of SARS-CoV-2. Dan vraag ik me af waar we mee bezig zijn. If you claim to be not antivaccine but your message is so attractive to a rabid antivaxxer and leader of the antivaccine movement like Del Bigtree that he spends an hour promoting it, you are either deluding yourself about being not antivaccine, or youre a useful idiot for the antivaccine movement, possibly both. Ill refer you to Nirenbergs demolition of Dr. Vanden Bossches nonsense about innate immunity, as he explains why its nonsense better than I can. Even more hilariously (and a bit uncomfortably) Frei is pretty spot on when she notes: However, this is on very shaky ground. Its a rationale for developing reformulated booster vaccines that cover variants not well covered by the currently-used COVID-19 vaccines. Zijn pleidooi werd vooral opgevangen en verspreid in de vaccin-kritische beweging. Whats particularly dangerous about Dr. Vanden Bossches misinformation is that, on the surface, he appears to be a vaccine expert, whom antivaxxers touting his open letter (and all the follow-up science hes been Tweeting and posting to his website) have been describing as a worlds expert in vaccines. De nieuwsombudsman van VRT NWS ontving veel vragen over Vanden Bossche en ook de meeste berichten die we kregen via gingen de voorbije weken over Vanden Bossche. This fallacy is one of the anti-vaccine movement's favorites, and as such his claims have been amplified extensively by the biggest names in that movement. Not for him is the too-slow process of seeking feedback from fellow experts or publishing in the scientific literature (even on a pre-print server). Er is dus geen reden om aan te nemen dat de coronavaccins tot een massale sterftegolf zouden kunnen leiden. "Natural infection kills. As I go through Dr. Vanden Bossches open letter, Ill point out the similarities, while also noting differences when they occur. If you havent, its new to you. Bij sommige besmettingen kunnen NK-cellen wl specifieker te werk gaan, stipt immunoloog Herman Favoreel (Universiteit Gent) aan. The classic example of a leaky vaccine is actually the one for Mareks disease, caused by a herpesvirus that infects chicken and causes lymphoma among other illnesses. Its been accompanied by a video interview posted towhere else?antivaxxer Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.s Childrens Health Defense website. ", The notion that lockdowns have weakened our innate immune system is equally without basis. The notion that this is somehow a problem relies on the unsupported claim that a natural infection would be better equipped to kill SARS-CoV-2. Geert Vanden Bossche Contribute to IMDb. Dat is volgens de officile data enkel het geval in Chili. Hoewel n dosis de besmettelijkheid al doet dalen, blijft het wel belangrijk dat beide dosissen van een coronavaccin toegediend worden. Geert Vanden Bossche, PhD, DVM Independent Researcher --- Mar 2018 - Present Managing Director VARECO Sep 2012 - 2019 Europe Independent vaccine consultant with a long- standing track record in Academia, Vaccine Industry and Global Health (GH); providing support on vaccine project management as 10.8K. Training is achieved by regular exposure to a myriad of environmental agents, including pathogens. In 1986 promoveerde hij (PhD) in de virologie aan de Universiteit van Hohenheim (Duitsland). Notable people with the surname include: Aert van den Bossche (fl. Reality aside, invoking the innate immune system provides two rhetorical benefits. 1. David H. Gorski, MD, PhD, FACS is a surgical oncologist at the Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute specializing in breast cancer surgery, where he also serves as the American College of Surgeons Committee on Cancer Liaison Physician as well as an Associate Professor of Surgery and member of the faculty of the Graduate Program in Cancer Biology at Wayne State University. Het onderzoek ernaar is nog zeer pril. Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, is a world-class certified expert in microbiology and infectious disease, who also has a Ph.D. in virology and a longstanding career in human vaccinology. Up to this point, at its core and leaving aside minor variations, Dr. Vanden Bossches argument about COVID-19 vaccines and COVID-19 is pretty close to exactly the same argument that Wakefield fallaciously made about MMR and measles. Dit om een bepaalde sfeer te scheppen. In verschillende video's op YouTube waarschuwt de Belgische wetenschapper Geert Vanden Bossche voor een ramp nog groter dan de coronacrisis zelf. This makes no sense, Yale's Omer told us. Waiting for Vanden Bossche's "universal vaccine" is no way to win such a race. [Editors note: Scott Gavura had circumstances pop up that prevented him from producing a post for today. Zoals gemeld ging het dispuut over de volledige publicatie of delen ervan die door VRTNWS werden geselecteerd. As I suspected, Dr. Vanden Bossche is selling something. "Dat is een compleet ander mechanisme. Dit standpunt is niet onomstreden. This is why in case of bacterial disease it is critical to not only chose the right type of antibiotic (based on the results from an antibiogram) but to also take the antibiotic for long enough (according to the prescription). En wat doen we ondertussen dan? Feb 18 Replying to @RespectingFA My intention was to write a scientific work to provide my fellow scientists with the indispensable insight that they now so often lack. Leroux-Roels duikt tijdens ons gesprek in de databank, waar alle wetenschappelijke studies geregistreerd worden. In an effort to sidestep this self-evident solution, Vanden Bossche seems to have made up a second mechanism to stoke fear over COVID-19 vaccines. This will, indeed, require large vaccination campaigns. Because his proposed solution appears to be a fantasy, its effect would be to stop vaccinations completely and replace them with nothing. Men noemt mij een stalker omdat ik oproep tot debat. So its not surprising that Dr. Vanden Bossches letter reminds me of Andrew Wakefields warning about the MMR vaccine. ), vertelde Vanden Bossche tijdens een congres in Ohio begin deze maand. Dat geeft de hoogst mogelijke bescherming en zal de verspreiding van het virus dus nog verder naar omlaag duwen. Even if it were evolving resistance, once again, the answer would be to reformulate the vaccine in order to include the altered antigens, the same conclusion made when considering the possibility that B. pertussis was evolving resistance or that evolutionary drift was leading to the predominance of strains not covered by the vaccine. Mass vaccination programs, he claims, are "turning vaccinees into asymptomatic carriers" who can unknowingly spread these more dangerous strains by "shedding infectious variants." 455 () [US] 2021/06/16() 09:32:54. | Voice for Science and. Hij wijst erop dat hij geen soort van hobby viroloog is zoals hij wordt weggezet in de media en benoemt zijn ervaringen en diplomas waaronder bepaalde zaken die niet veel Vlamingen hem hebben voorgedaan. In verschillende video's op YouTube waarschuwt de Belgische wetenschapper Geert Vanden Bossche voor een ramp nog groter dan de coronacrisis zelf. The technology enables the development of universal vaccines educating the host immune system to redirect immune targeting away from canonical antigens to a widely divergent spectrum of vitally vulnerable pathogen-derived self-mimicking antigens, irrespective of MHC polymorphism. Reading the letter, what it reminded me, more than anything else, is an article that Andrew Wakefield wrote about the MMR vaccine and measles, published a few months before the pandemic hit. "Zelfs van levende kunstenaars als Dillemans worden er tekeningen Herman De Croo gaat extra vergoeding bovenop pensioen schenken aan Stichting tegen Kanker, Mannen getuigen over seksueel geweld tijdens de oorlog: "Het is erger dan afgeranseld worden", Zus van Olivier Vandecasteele reageert op uitspraak Grondwettelijk Hof: "Beste dat wij konden verwachten", Acteur Tom Sizemore (61), bekend van "Saving private Ryan" en "Heat", overleden. There you have it, the lone scientific maverick who is the only one willing to speak out about against a horror being perpetrated by conventional medicine and science that they dont want you to know about or discuss, a horror thats so urgent that he must speak now. Op initiatief van de provincie Zuid-Holland en 9 andere overheden. Frans historicus Emmanuel Todd (volledig interview): Derde Wereldoorlog is al begonnen, Met 3000 kwamen ze naar Brussel op 26 februari 2023, Europe for Peace. 1499-1505), Flemish painter. U dient eveneens kennis te nemen en akkoord te gaan met de privacy policy die van toepassing is op deze website. He also points out that there is new research challenging the previous dogma that leaky vaccines always select for more virulent strains of pathogen and cannot produce herd immunity. [1] In 2018 he was elected president of the Society of International Economic Law (SIEL). The way to avoid this purported calamity, Vanden Bossche asserts, is for scientists to pay more attention to his own invention a "universal vaccine" that uses the body's innate immune system to kill SARS-CoV-2. Dr. Gorski's full information can be found here, along with information for patients. Maar een vaccin werkt niet rechtstreeks in op een virus." These assumptions come without scientific studies or data to support them and indeed are not always reasonable. "In de wetenschap weten we nog lang niet alles, dat klopt, maar als iemand een nieuwe claim maakt moet hij wel uitleggen hoe hij dat onderzocht heeft, wie de controlegroep was, enzoverder. Vanden Bossche describes himself on LinkedIn as the inventor of a new type of vaccine that "harnesses the power of the immune system by unlocking the untapped potential of self-centered [NK] cells capable of recognising these unconventional antigens. Dat laatste standpunt wordt ook door een klein deel van de wetenschappelijke experts gehuldigd. Dat punt maakte ook Otto Yang, professor Infectieziekten aan de Universiteit van California, in de krant USA Today. Van den Bosch is a Dutch toponymic surname, originally indicating either an association with a forest ("bosch", modern Dutch "bos"), with a place/dwelling named "Den Bosch" or with the city Den Bosch.In the Netherlands about 10,200 carried the name in 2007, while in Belgium 3,755 people were named Van Den Bosch and another 3,164 were named Vandenbosch, Vandebosch or Vanden Bosch in 2008.

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