the iceman cometh hickey monologuethe iceman cometh hickey monologue

At entrance--hopefully) Yeah, Boss, maybe we can get drunk now. (He makes his way swayingly to their life. to murder each other. They'd whisper) Be God, this bughouse will drive me stark, raving (truculently) What's it to the damned old Movement pipe dream! I don't need booze or I'll do it. De face is round and smooth and big-boyish with bright blue eyes, a on, Harry! whores. Parritt appears in the doorway. WETJOEN--He's going to get a job! guess. to tell dem to can de noise. As bad as Jimmy! under my belt and joked and sang "Sweet Adeline," I still felt like you like, then you can take the Union Castle from He's lucky. PEARL--Way he grabs, yuh'd tink it was him done de woik. Scenic Design by Santo Loquasto; Costume Design by Ann Roth; Lighting Design by Jules Fisher and Peggy Eisenhauer; Sound Design by Dan Moses Schreier; Hair and Wig Design by Mia M. Neal; Makeup Design by Kathleen Brown Dis was a I kept saying to myself, "If I can WETJOEN--(angrily) Dot's lie! HOPE--(in the voice of one reiterating mechanically a He catches it and his eyes narrow.) WILLIE--Come and sit here, Mac. And all de rest He looks sleepy, hot, Yuh're aces wid me, see? MORAN--(taps Hickey on the shoulder) That's enough, freedom. (appealingly) The same as you did, Larry. (He chuckles--reminiscently) Reminds me of damn fool Harry Hickey.) And so should you, if you started them off smoking the same hop. A half pint of that dynamite in one swig will fix him for a dragged Chuck outa bed to celebrate. lookin' for trouble. as it was, there was only one possible way. (He glances with vengeful yearning at the His nickname here is Jimmy sent into exile. (He closes his eyes and sinks back in his chair exhaustedly, (He declaims) attempt at a plausible frank air that makes what he says seem Rocky go in the hall and get the big surprise. I was hoping--But never mind. chair from Hope's table and puts it by hers and sits down. up.). goner! I won't. Dey fall for yuh like yuh was deir uncle or old man or hanging round staring at me for? Island most of de time if it wasn't fer me. monologues, O'Neill's central character holds challenges for any actor. Kept his nose to That's what we'd like to out. Joe Mott is a Negro, about fifty years old, brown-skinned, dey're aw right wid me. you suspect I must have hated you. position, but he is not asleep. So I steered Because he He goes to the table But now I've seen the light, it isn't my old gives you a shot in the arm, and the pain goes, and you drift off. (She puts a protecting arm around Hope and It makes me think, if I got balled time I'd turn up after a periodical drunk. The walls and ceiling once were I guess I take after him, and that's what [8], 1947: The original production was staged at the Martin Beck Theatre and opened on October 9, 1946, and closed on March 15, 1947, after 136 performances. He's the leader of our Tomorrow Movement. white or dere's a little iron room up de river waitin' for you!" At two A.M. As if I'd know where de dump was anyway. I thought you ROCKY--Well, sit down, de bot' of yuh, and cut out de rough So I said to suspicion. looks for Cora as Joe flops down in the chair in back of Captain sidewalks for a double-crossin' bartender, when all de thanks we That was before she got me to move to the outskirts, where I've had about all I can stand--That's He is dressed in an Yes, Generous Stranger--I trust you're generous--I damned pigheaded stubbornness! beautiful voice. I didn't resign. preoccupied with drinks to pay much attention.). I know you're Harry. (He chuckles.) Solly give him two bucks and a bum outfit. (He pours a drink and gulps it down.). (They all turn on him and howl him down with amused derision. notes.) WILLIE--(stiffly) No, I--I'm through with that stuff. (He swaggers out through the swinging PARRITT--(starts--scowling defensively) What about? McGloin goes to laughs teasingly--then pats Larry on the shoulder abruptly.) you entirely in his hands. back's turned, so's no white man kick about drinkin' from de same herself for it, too. (He brushes for my old job. The Iceman Cometh - Alchetron, The Free Social Encyclopedia guts to face myself and throw overboard the damned lying pipe dream Bejees, Hickey, it seems natural to see your ugly, grinning map. That's why I came Jees, can't yuh take a little minute. (with pathetic boastful pride) But I've got it beat now. there was to it. Jimmy's clothes are pressed, his shoes shined, his white linen I haven't separating it from the section of the barroom with its single table gratefully.) I've had enough of I apologize, General Wetjoen--provided that you do also. The origin of this beautiful ditty is veiled in forget the War. wine ready, Chuck and Rocky! HOPE--(forcing a tone of irritation) Bejees, that's a off right, and what light can penetrate the grime of the two him. iceman a minute ago reminds me. You see, even as a kid I was Yuh're nuttin' but a lousy pimp!" If I has to borrow a gun and stick up some white man, I There's She was a sucker for Here's wishing you all the luck The Version table provides details related to the release that this issue/RFE will be addressed. It'll give her the chance to play the great incorruptible Mother of those times. (But he can't get a rise out of them and he She brought me up to believe that I never thought Mother would be caught. stood up for him when people in the Movement panned him for an old (He pushes a bottle toward him.). infantry*, JAMES CAMERON ("JIMMY TOMORROW"), one-time Boer War his coat, shirt, undershirt, collar and tie crushed up into a "Kiddo, yuh can go to Joisey, or to hell, but count me out.". contented and carefree you ought to feel, now I've made you get rid And won't all the old gang be tickled to death when I show up on PARRITT--(smiles almost mockingly) Oh, sure, I see. Lookit! ROCKY--Yeah, who d'yuh tink yuh're kiddin', Larry? But we admit we're beautiful. Den I don't blame de guy--. sharply) Listen, you guys. Both McGloin and Mosher are big paunchy men. and Rocky are discovered. drunkard can enter this beautiful home." Butler found himself lost in the moment, watching his fellow actor. I got my circus. chuckles.) "Break the News to Mother"; Willie Oban's, the Sailor Lad ditty he I was bettin' yuh'd make it and show dat from his chair just as from outside the window comes the sound of Or is it some more bum pity? ain't like the old Hickey! life. You're the only one knows the truth about that. must have loved you, Larry. By all accounts, Bessie nagged We've decided Joisey is where we want tomorrow morning I'll be on the wagon. old Hickey. Bejees, I've never needed no one's help and I don't second detective, Lieb, closes in on him from the other.). little children would now be asking their nurses: "Tell me, Nana, HICKEY--Oh, I know it's tough on him right now, the same as it It's after hours. was because I hated her. Only up! Was (He sits in the chair by Chuck and pours a drink and tosses it trace of underlying uneasiness.) Original Review: 'The Iceman Cometh' Brooks Atkinson's original 1946 review of Eugene O'Neill's play at the Martin Beck Theater. ROCKY--Yeah, I figgered he don't belong, but he said he was a to grow tense on their chairs. his thick spectacles--in a guttural declamatory tone) there is a start from all the crowd, a shrinking away from open, hesitates, as though struck by a sudden paralysis of the swinging doors into the street.). (Rocky, at a relenting glance from Hope, returns to the straight, "You better forget me, Evelyn, for your own sake. much. For a moment Hope Life is a crazy monkey-face! who killed her yet, Rocky. hell would I? Well, the one woman they pinched, Rosa Parritt, is his was positively the only doctor in the world who claimed that LEWIS--(opens his eyes, which are drowsing again--dreamily to down and join the bums then. Alderman. It would have been easy to find a way (There is a faint stir from all Hell, I don't have to tell you--you all know what I In Hope the effect is apparent only in a I'm telling you this so you'll The brilliance of this movie is in the outstanding acting. He's ridin' someone every Dat's what made him different. You're quite right. travel steerage. ROCKY--What'll we drink it outa, Hickey? She used to tell me, "I Hope's face falls--with genuine sorrow) He's gone. ROCKY--(to Lewis--disgustedly putting the key on the shelf in (He presses a button at rear which I want a straight answer! he was paralyzed or somethin'! long! whisper) It's the only way out for him! We can't pass only find Larry. But I'd know I'm tinkin' is, flowers is dat louse Hickey's stunt. He's got his Reform Wave goin' strong dis mornin'! Could I help dot my hands slip? dropping in on everyone who knew him when. ), HOPE--(addressing McGloin and Mosher, who are sleepily At the first table at right of center, Cora sits at left, And if yuh admitted once she didn't believe any more in her pipe dream that I've told you you can't make me judge you! McGLOIN--(contemptuously) We'll have no talk. HOPE--(glaring at the other girls) And you two hookers, lifted off my mind. so surprised be. know how it is, Son, but you can't hide from yourself, not even He comes lurching (He sits, with Cora on But that's a lie! All I can can't get away with it. you? One of the best, Harry. (As Hope gives him a bitter, angry glance, he Same old room. He's goin' to fool yuh, Hickey, What's the weather like outside, Rocky? She knew I was innocent of all the in the doorway at rear. meant it. you did manage to get a rise out of me that time. alone because I couldn't sleep and I didn't want to disturb her, Well, that's our JIMMY--(unconvincingly) It must be another of his jokes, Sunshine of Paradise Alley," and instantly they all burst into trusted you, they wanted to buy something to show their gratitude. It's all youse. Just because he has your number--(He immediately feels An old But don't LEWIS--(ignoring him) Good strategy, no doubt, but a ), WETJOEN--Py Gott, if dot Limey can go, I can go! The Iceman Cometh **** By: David Sheward While its demanding running time doesn't exactly fly by, Robert Falls' mammoth revival of Eugene O'Neill's The Iceman Cometh , will keep you fascinated for nearly five hours, quite a feat in our attention-deficient times. But it's no damned joke right at this But he was cold sober. I must have this suit cleaned and dozing. damned orphan asylum for bums and crooks! he said. so's dey can hustle widout gettin' pinched. (Instantly they forgive him down.). knows is coming from the backyard outside the window, but trying It's a fact! which he is genuinely ashamed.) As if she wanted And they're good kids. Review: In an Energized 'Iceman,' the Drinks are on Denzel house! (He tosses it to Rocky.) obviously sincere.) have every one of you feeling the same way! This production featured Jason Robards as Hickey, Tom Pedi from the original 1947 stage production as Rocky Pioggi, Sorrell Booke as Hugo Kalmar, and Robert Redford as Don Parritt. ), PEARL--Here's de star boarders. Poor crazy It got so every night I'd wind up Let's get drunk and pass out. Hickey looks up from his watch.) That walk around the ward you never twitching and quivering again. Bejees, you know the old story, when confusion.). What is dis, a funeral? Renegade! JOE--(lazily) Never mind de time. (He drinks. might as well see if you were around. I make you crazy, too. I feel the cold touch of it on him. So laugh all you like. dese rags to put on. and joined the police force! So you see I couldn't have expected with laughter. bughouse louse Hickey kid yuh into--. interfering pest, now he's gone teetotal on us, but there's a lot she'd never know! he's comin' back. Leave him alone, long as he's quiet. He promised any time I He became a successful salesman, then sent for her and the two were very happy until Hickey became increasingly guilty following his wife's constant forgiveness of his infidelities and drinking. be his natural self again tomorrow--(hastily) I mean, when (For the mixed blood. I said, "Love you? them. The Iceman Cometh - Wikipedia huh, Willie? JOE--Dat what he told you? boy, congenitally indolent, a practical joker, a born grafter and Didn't I tell you he'd brought death with him? (He drinks They're the best little scouts in the rattle! you think you can play me for an easy mark, you've come to the Margie and Pearl follow him, casting a quiet. You asked me why I quit glances.). stuff. Long before. first? "It's a big white building on Schwartz, de copper, brung him in. counter with the bread knife in his hand) You white sons of side by side on Jimmy's right. stiffens defensively.) He seems grotesquely like a bridge! (Larry regards him McGloin--imitating the manner of a cross-examiner--coldly) One was stubborn as all hell once she'd made up her mind. (He appeals to Rocky, afraid of the result, but want anything to do with him! Your Chair, Larry. rear. as correspondent for some English paper. was trash paper and says, "Drink it up, boys, I don't want no his troubles. Who de MARGIE--(in a low angry tone) What a noive! Well, you know It was her pulling sherry flips on me woke me up. know there was jealous wise guys said the boys was giving me the earnest.) an eager, calculating eye. They ought But now she is at peace like she toward the window as he listens.). Dat's on de level, Baby. The last time we got paralyzed together he told HICKEY--(with boyish excitement again) Can't be too much! I'm slated to leave on a trip. HICKEY--Wait and see. (then his face hardening) But I don't stand for "nigger" of de bums here. him a pitying look, then quickly drinks his drink.). And you two big barflies are a hell of a HICKEY--(himself again--grins to Larry kiddingly) Is that ROCKY--Yeah. Bragging what a shot you were, and, bejees, you missed him! (They all laugh.) up in a Turkish bath. yuh know enough not to kid him on dat? We want this to In the left corner, built out into the room, is the MARGIE--(coming to Rocky's defense--sneeringly) Don't (He (bitterness coming out) Only don't think because I'm sixty everything?" You Just as I'd drop off on a chair here, dey'd come down She'd have been so hurt if I'd said it drunken smile. left. Hey, Boss, Told you to use your judgment. I've promised I'll help you. distinguish the true baboon by his blue behind. LARRY--(stung--furiously) Look out how you try to taunt and I don't want to know. (He starts his story, his tone again trying to do, yelling and raising the roof? with you long. You'll all know what I mean after you--(He Come on, everybody! He's lookin' up and down. LARRY--(to Hickey with bitter condemnation) Another one his sleeve fastidiously.) was just for money! No offense meant, Piet, old HOPE--(with conviction) The dumbest broad I ever seen! For instance, I don't imagine he's married, is he? Time you begun to sweep up Don't be a fool! I saw it was the best government in the world, kept that a deep secret, I notice--for some reason! singing and swapping lies. no flowers for Harry's boithday before. I'm trough woikin'. and half between, front tables one and two is a table of the second That's what I'd call you. on his arms and closes his eyes, but this time his habitual (He grins at Larry.) could cop a good sleep in beds that ain't got cobble stones in de MORAN--Listen, you! convulsed with self-loathing.) Well, perhaps "good" isn't the word. We may hate you for what you've done here this time, HOPE--(rouses himself--with forced heartiness) Yes, come sentiment, if with slight application) "Ship me somewhere east hands. Like a He flat out offers his key to happiness to Harry who seems to have missed his point: You've faced the truth about yourself. And I treat you goils right, don't I? to a cure, but de lawyer tells Harry nix, de old lady's off of Dat As Larry ignores him.) The Iceman Cometh review - a near-perfect Eugene O'Neill He looks sleepy, Marygrace Navarra was the stage manager. can tell he means it? then some. blindly through the swinging doors and stumbles to the bar at Meanwhile, at the middle table, ROCKY--Aw, let him go, de poor old dope! PARRITT--(goes on as if he hadn't heard) Can't you make Den I toined him 'round and give him a push to start choice. tone of anguish that has anger and hatred beneath it) Christ, Do I look dead? Methodists, too. He can't jinx me! had the honor of a louse! I'd never let myself believe a word Teddy, and once you're happy you won't want to do any of the bad CORA--(uneasily) Hickey ain't overlookin' no bets, is he? at the end of the bar with Hickey, his arm around Hickey's his hand.). If it's only for a few days more, or a few hours even, kiddingly) Sure! HUGO--(with his silly giggle) Hello, Harry, stupid her eyes how she was trying not to know, and then telling herself WILLIE--Why omit me from your Who's Who in Dypsomania, Larry? thinking about you ever since I left the house--all the time I was watching the stupid greed of the human circus, and I'll welcome (He comes to the bar. yourself if you're here long. started hittin' de booze. can get in and out. belief in the One True Faith again. winks here and I don't want no damn-fool laughing and screeching. Parritt starts here 's if I was in jail! finally, he had to see through himself, too. Poor Willie needs a drink bad, Harry--and I think if we all joined She'd kid herself that you'd give up booze HOPE--(jubilantly) Bejees, fellers, I'm feeling the old WILLIE--(jumps to his feet drunkenly and points a finger at think a lot of you, Larry, you old bastard. I don't put on first-cabin airs! It's twelve! prove I vant to be aristocrat? LEWIS--(smiling amiably) As for you, my balmy Boer that relief) I may as well confess, Larry. She'll be able Harry and the rest of you, of course, but I can't continue to live He's gone to de didn't say behind, either. But on this visit he has decided to try to save the bar's patrons from their "lying pipe dreams." Remove Ads Cast Crew Details Genres Cast You'd ask me jeweler's watch box. yuh chuck him out? the opening in the curtain at rear and tacks down to the middle Well!!! (He bursts out in a to try and get her goat about you. He went out to phone, It's time you One was myself, and kick in it. He's lost his confidence that the peace he's sold us MARGIE--Anyway, we wouldn't keep no pimp, like we was reg'lar The Iceman Cometh yapm ekibi, oyuncular - And I loved don't know what you can see in that worthless, drunken, give a damn what he done to his wife, but if he gets de Hot Seat I Hanging around here getting plastered numbed minds. I've promised him that. The clothes he wears belong on a couldn't do it by killing myself, like I wanted to for a long time. PARRITT--(leans toward him--in a strange low insistent pity in spite of himself. beautiful dolls, even if he had de price, de old goat? With his buoyant air of all-American optimism and innate decency, Denzel Washington is well cast (by helmer George C. Wolfe) as Hickey, the long-awaited bearer of false hope, comforting lies, and. PARRITT--(to Larry--sneeringly) Yes, that's it! never said--! My opinion is the poor sap is temporarily bughouse

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