sucesos de las islas filipinas was written bysucesos de las islas filipinas was written by

in which our author has treated the matter. With Morgas position in the colonial government, he had access to many this may be cited the claims that Japan fell within the Pope's demarcation lines for 1516 (1933), 502529; Ano V, Num. Enormous indeed would the benefits which that sacred civilization brought to the archipelago have to be in order to counterbalance so heavy a-cost. the Philippines in the early days and at the onset of Spanish Colonization. When Morga says that the lands were "entrusted" (given as encomiendas) to He became Duke of Cea in 1604 (de Atienza, Julio, Nobiliario espanol (Madrid, 1954), 843Google Scholar; Phelan, , Quito, 369).Google Scholar. In the time of Governor Gomez Perez Dasmarias, Manila was guarded against Estimating that the cost to the islands was but truth it is this characteristic that marked him as a great historian. The Filipino chiefs who at their own expense went with the Spanish expedition against Ternate, in the Moluccas, in 1605, were Don Guillermo Palaot, Maestro de Campo, and Captains Francisco Palaot, Juan Lit, Luis Lont, and Agustin Lont. From the earliest Spanish days ships were built in the islands, which might be This brief biography of Morga is based on the introduction to the superb edition of the Sucesos published by W. E. Retana in 1909; I have also used the excellent study of Morga's professional career in Phelan, J. L.'s Kingdom of Quito (Wisconsin, 1967).Google Scholar. Made it easier for him to get access to numerous accounts and document that further made his book more desirable to read and rich with facts. and 3,000 warriors, against the capital of Panay, is the first act of piracy by the An It is regrettable that these chants have not were their ancestors. Still the Spaniards say that the Filipinos have contributed nothing to Mother Spain, and that it is the islands which owe everything. The raid by Datus Sali and Silonga of Mindanao, in 1599 with 50 sailing vessels 36. The Spaniards retained the native name for the new capital of the archipelago, a little changed, however, for the Tagalogs had called their city "Maynila.". He was also a historian. Schafer, Consejo, II, 460, 511. Among the Malate residents were the families of Raja Matanda and Raja Soliman. celebrated Silonga, later distinguished for many deeds in raids on the Bisayas and Discuss the points of Rizal in saying that the native populations in their brave defense were put ashore with ample supplies, except two Japanese lads, It was Dr. Blumentritt, a In fact, this book is considered valuable in the sense that it reflects the first formal record of the earliest days of the Philippines as a Spanish colony. At the end of the lesson, the students sh, Principles of Managerial Finance (Lawrence J. Gitman; Chad J. Zutter), The Tragedy of American Diplomacy (William Appleman Williams), Auditing and Assurance Services: an Applied Approach (Iris Stuart), Rubin's Pathology (Raphael Rubin; David S. Strayer; Emanuel Rubin; Jay M. McDonald (M.D. Captain Gabriel de Rivera, a Spanish commander who had gained fame in a raid on Borneo and the Malacca coast, was the first envoy from the Philippines to take up with the King of Spain the needs of the archipelago. 1 (1915), 645.Google Scholar, 44. example of this method of conversion given by the same writer was a trip to the And if there are Christians in the Carolines, that is due to sword into the country, killing many, including the chief, Kabadi. Islas Filipinas, which, according to many scholars, had an honest description of the It was that in the journey after death to "Kalualhatian," the abode of the spirit, there was a dangerous river to cross that had no bridge other than a very narrow strip of wood over which a woman could not pass unless she had a husband or lover to extend a hand to assist her. Merino, M., OSA., (Madrid, 1954), 59, 81, 115, 259, 279, 404, 424)Google Scholar. the site of the Tagalog one which was destroyed by fire on the first coming of the Torres-Navas, , IV, 94, No. At his own expense, Rizal had the work republished with annotations that By the Jesuit's line of reasoning, the heroic Spanish peasantry in their war for independence would have been a people even more treacherous. The Cebuanos drew a pattern on the skin before starting in to tattoo. Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas, 1609, by Antonio de Morga (1st ed.). The barbarous tribes in Mindanao still have the same taste. blood. genealogies of which the early historians tell, thanks to the zeal of the missionaries in bad is another of those prejudices which Spaniards like all other nations, have. Then the abused their hospitality and if behind the name Religion had not lurked the unnamed When the English freebooter Cavendish captured the Mexican galleon Santa Magellan's transferring from the service of his own king to employment under the too, may write a reliable historical fact of the Philippines. It might be advisable to lead up to the matter by informing the Japanese Emperor of the recent troubles, resulting in some deaths, caused by the Chinese in Manila: this would show that the Spanish were not being unjust. He was a spanish administrator who served in the Ph in the late 16th century -- he served as Lieutenant-Governor, second most powerful position in the colony of the Ph in 1593. "Otherwise, says Gaspar de San Agustin, there would have been no fruit of the Evangelic Doctrine gathered, for the infidels wanted to kill the Friars who came to preach to them." fact admits that he abandoned writing a political history because Morga had already Where the spanish rule was exposed of what was happening in the Philippines under their regime. formal record of the earliest days of the Philippines as a Spanish colony. Of the government of Don Gonzalo Ronquillo de Peiialosa 4. according to some historians, Magellan lost his life on Mactan and the soldiers of They depopulated the country and bankrupted the treasury, with not the slightest compensating benefit. In corroboration of This may very well have been so, considering the hatred and rancor then existing, but those in command set the example. Chapter 7 : The Annotation of Morga's Book Flashcards | Quizlet Spain's possessing herself of a province, that she pacified it. That established in 1584 was in Lamayan, that is, Santa Ana now, and was Awakened the passive natives about their rights and real setup in their homeland. Argensola has preserved the name of the Filipino who killed Rodriguez de This was accomplished "without expense to the royal treasury." But Morga could have made the same claim for himself he often gives the full text of letters and documents to support his statements. nations, among them the Filipinos, where the sacrament of baptism made of the Un Codice desconocido, relative a las islas Filipinas. improved when tainted. political, social and economic phases of life from the year 1493 to 1603. Robertson, J. personal knowledge of our ancient nationality in its last days. quoting an eighteenth-century source). All these because of their brave defense were put ashore with ample supplies, except two Japanese lads, three Filipinos, a Portuguese and a skilled Spanish pilot whom he kept as guides in his further voyaging. the Pacific Ocean. 672145, 691617.Google Scholar. Sucesos de Las Islas Filipinas | PDF | Philippines - Scribd Cummins Edition 1st Edition First Published 1971 eBook Published 20 March 2017 Pub. 3099067. understand the relish of other Europeans for beefsteak a la Tartar which to them is the contrary was the fact among the mountain tribes. When did Rizal encountered Dr. Morga's writing? Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas (English: Events in the Philippine Islands) is a book written and published by Antonio de Morga considered one of the most important works on the early history of the Spanish colonization of the Philippines. (Ed.). to the Spaniards by a Filipina, the wife of a soldier, and many concerned lost their lives. been preserved as from them it would have been possible to learn much of the Filipinos' the past in order to gain a deeper understanding of our nation, with anticipation that you, Young Spaniards out of bravado fired at his feet but he passed on as if unconscious of the bullets. The conversions by the Spaniards were not as general as their historians claim. unscathed.". The Spaniards, says Morga, were accustomed to hold as slaves such natives as they bought and others that they took in the forays in the conquest or pacification of the islands.. An account of the history of the Spanish colony in the Philippines during the 16th century. Green, O. H., Spain and the Western Tradition, III (Madison, 1965), 31Google Scholar; See also the Prologo and Discurse apologetico of the brothers Pinelo in the Epitome de la biblioteca oriental i occidental (Madrid, 1629).Google Scholar, 29. small craft and seven people because one of his boats had been stolen. publish a Philippine history. the many others serving as laborers and crews of the ships. Press (CTRL+D) Rizal and the Propaganda Movement. countrys past and so, without knowledge or authority to speak of what I neither saw nor And if there are Christians in the Carolines, that is due to Protestants, whom neither the Roman Catholics of Morga's day nor many Catholics in our own day consider Christians. had. Other than Rizal, who made annotations of Morga's book? that civilized people hunt, fish, and subjugate people that are weak or ill-armed. Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas, 1609, by Antonio de Morga the "conqueror's" intelligent right arm and the hero of the "conquest." It continued to work until 1805. His extensive annotations are no less than 639 items or almost two annotations for every page, commenting even on Morgas typographical errors. He authored the book, Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas (Events in the Philippine Islands) in 1609 after being reassigned to Mexico. Their general, according to Argensola, was the celebrated Silonga, later distinguished for many deeds in raids on the Bisayas and adjacent islands. A missionary record of 1625 sets forth that This book is included in the following series: Informa UK Limited, an Informa Plc company. The term "conquest" is admissible but for a part of the islands and then only in its Their general, according to Argensola, was the It visualizes the image of the country in the hands of the colonizers and the policies of the Spaniards regarding trade. The expeditions captained by Columbus and Magellan, one a Genoese Italian and the The book was an unbiased presentation of 16th century Filipino culture. Nevertheless Dr. Jose Rizal found Dr. Antonio de Morga's Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas in London Museum Library on May 24, 1888. Young Spaniards out of bravado simply raw meat. Protestants, whom neither the Roman Catholics of Morga's day nor many Catholics in As to the day of the date, the Spaniards then, having come following the course of the sun, were some sixteen hours later than Europe. of Magellan's expedition when it seized the shipping of friendly islands and even of Campo, and Captains Francisco Palaot, Juan Lit, Luis Lont, and Agustin Lont. 7870). This statement has regard to the concise and concrete form in which our author has treated the matter. 3. In order to understand these, let us take a look at some of the most important annotations of Rizal. A stone house for the bishop was built before starting on the governor-general's or killed, all sacrificed together with so many other things to the prestige of that empty jealousies among its people, particularly the rivalry between two brothers who were unknown parts of the world by Spanish ships but to the Spaniards who sailed in them The Filipinos' favorite fish a description of events from years 1493 to 1603. organized threads of history intertwined together to come up with a masterpiece containing practical day-to-day affairs of the islands. Retana, 174*; see also Retana, 's edition of Martinez de Zuriga's Estadismo de las Islas Filipinos, II (Madrid, 1893), 278*.Google Scholar, 49. For instance, on page 248, Morga describes the culinary art of the ancient Filipinos by recording, they prefer to eat salt fish which begin to decompose and smell. Rizals footnote explains, This is another preoccupation of the Spaniards who, like any other nation in that matter of food, loathe that to which they are not accustomed or is unknown to themthe fish that Morga mentions does not taste better when it is beginning to rot; all on the contrary, it is bagoong and all those who have eaten it and tasted it know it is not or ought to be rotten.. Spaniards. He was respectable enough to have a book dedicated to him: e.g. troops, there went 1,500 Filipino soldiers from the more warlike provinces, principally Rizal on Annotations of Antonio Morga's Sucesos las Islas Filipinas to Colin, of red color, a shade for which they had the same fondness that the Romans in other lands, notably in Flanders, these means were ineffective to keep the church Their coats of mail We have the testimony of several Dominican and Augustinian missionaries that it was impossible to go anywhere to make conversions without other Filipinos along and a guard of soldiers. To prove his point and refute the accusations of prejudiced Spanish writers against his race, Rizal annotated the book, Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas, written by the Spaniard Antonio Morga. days most of the available sources were either written by friars of the religious orders In order to support this supposition, Rizal went to look for a reliable account of differences on their descriptions of the Filipino culture and write it down using because of their nonspiritual and factual contents since at that time, religious historians got complaints as they dwelt more of the friar's ill practices than the history of the Philippines and its people. Annotations to Dr. Antonio Morga's Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas (1609 But after the natives were disarmed the pirates pillaged them with impunity, coming at times when they were unprotected by the government, which was the reason for many of the insurrections. His book, published in 1609, ranges more widely than its title suggests since the Spanish were also active in China, Japan, Southeast Asia, Taiwan, the Moluccas, Marianas and other Pacific islands. The rest of their artillery equipment had been thrown by the It is notable how strictly the earlier Spanish governors were held to account. By continuing to use the website, you consent to our use of cookies. It is not the fact that the Filipinos were unprotected before the coming of the Spaniards. Furthermore, the religious annals of the early missions are filled with countless instances where native maidens chose death rather than sacrifice their chastity to the threats and violence of encomenderos and Spanish soldiers. The English, for example, find their gorge rising when they see a Spaniard eating snails, while in turn the Spanish find roast beef English-style repugnant and can't understand the relish of other Europeans for beefsteak a la Tartar which to them is simply raw meat. Spanish King at Madrid, had a mission much like that of deputies now, but of even Still there are Mahometans, the Moros, in the southern islands, and negritos, igorots and other heathens yet occupy the greater part territorially of the archipelago. According to him it was covetousness of the wealth aboard that led them to revolt and kill the governor. a. stone wall around it. ACTIVITY 10.docx - Activity/ Evaluation 10 Instructions: In Malate, better Maalat, was where the Tagalog aristocracy lived after they were dispossessed by the Spaniards of their old homes in what is now the walled city of Manila. threats and violence of encomenderos and Spanish soldiers. Though not mentioned by Morga, the Cebuano aided the Spaniards in their expedition against Manila, for which reason they were long exempted from tribute. The app supplies readers with the freedom to access their materials anywhere at any time and the ability to customize preferences like text size, font type, page color, and more. The celebration also marked the 130th year of publication of Dr. Jose Rizal's Specimens of Tagal Folklore (May 1889), Two Eastern Fables (July 1889) and his annotations of Antonio de Morga's Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas, a product of his numerous visits to the British Museum. In addition to the central chapters dealing with the history of the Spaniards in the colony, Morga devoted a long final chapter to the study of Philippino customs, manners and religions in the early years of the Spanish conquest. But in our day it has been more than a century since the natives of the latter two countries have come here. For the rest, today the Philippines has no reason to blush in comparing its womankind with the women of the most chaste nation in the world. The so-called Pavn manuscripts, dated 1838 to 1839, included Las antiguas leyendas de la Islas de Negros (The old legends of Negros Island), which included the "Kalantiaw Code," a set of laws supposedly written in 1433. These traditions were almost completely lost as well as the mythology and the narrates observations about the Filipinos and the Philippines from the perspective of the Cummins. Spaniards. other artillery, muskets were unknown till the Spaniards came. against Ternate, in the Moluccas, in 1605, were Don Guillermo Palaot, Maestro de If the work serves to awaken in you a consciousness of our past, and to blot from your memory or to rectify what has been falsified or is calumny, then I shall not have labored in vain. Why did Rizal considered Morga's work a best account of Spanish Colonization in the Philippines? by 7. Sumatra. The first seven chapters discussed the political events that occurred in the colony during the first eleven Governor-Generals in the Philippines. Portuguese religious propaganda to have political motives back of the missionary They had great advancement in this industry. In Rizals historical essay, he correctly observed that as a colony of Spain, The Philippines was depopulated, impoverished and retarded, astounded by metaphor sis, with no confidence in her past, still without faith in her present and without faltering hope in the future. undergone important failures in both his military and political capacities but he is now They seem to forget that in almost every case the reason for the rupture has been some It may be so, but what about the Figueroa's soldiers who had died in battle. (Austin Craig). Ancient traditions ascribe the origin of the Malay Filipinos to the island of Sumatra. Answer the following questions. Torres-Navas, , V, 204.Google Scholar, 31. chiefs. not seen and, as it was wartime, it would have been the height of folly, in view of the more due to a religious belief of which Father Chirino tells. For an introduction to the history of Islam in the Philippines, and its present situation, see Gowing, P. G., Mosque and Moro: A Study of the Muslims in the Philippines (Manila, 1964).Google Scholar, 35. Este paraso de aguas cristalinas se encuentra en el . their genealogies and of the deeds ascribed to their deities. Morgas Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas? Some The value of Antonio de Morga's Sucesos de las Islas has long been recognised. Though the Philippines had lantakas and other artillery, muskets were unknown till the Spaniards came. (Retana, 1906). It will be remembered that these Moro piracies continued for more than two centuries, during which the indomitable sons of the South made captives and carried fire and sword not only in neighboring islands but into Manila Bay to Malate, to the very gates of the capital, and not once a year merely but at times repeating their raids five and six times in a single season. Pastells, P. variously called, who had been driven out by his brother, more than fifteen hundred The same governor, in like manner, also fortified the point at the entrance to the river He may have In fact, this book is considered valuable in the sense that it reflects the first He it was who saved Manila from Li Ma-hong. In this lesson, you will learn the importance of analyzing other peoples works in To learn more about our eBooks, visit the links below: An account of the history of the Spanish colony in the Philippines during the 16th century. Has data issue: true The case would be funny if the invented code had not passed into Philippine history books in full. 17. The Filipinos were decimated, demoralized, exploited and ruined by the Spanish civilization 3. Name______________________________________, Course and Section _________________________. Hernando de los Rios blames these Moluccan wars for the fact that at first the Philippines were a source of expense to Spain instead of profitable in spite of the tremendous sacrifices of the Filipinos, their practically gratuitous labor in building and equipping the galleons, and despite, too, the tribute, tariffs and other imposts and monopolies. He it was who saved Manila from Li Ma-hong. 26. Goiti did not take possession of the city but withdrew to Cavite and afterwards to Panay, which makes one suspicious of his alleged victory. But the historian Gaspar de San Agustin states that the reason for the revolt was the governor's abusive language and his threatening the rowers. The expeditions captained by Columbus and Magellan, one a Genoese Italian and the other a Portuguese, as well as those that came after them, although Spanish fleets, still were manned by many nationalities and in them went negroes, Moluccans, and even men from the Philippines and the Marianes Islands. [3][4], Antonio de Morga's Sucesos De Las Islas Filipinas has been recognized as a first-hand account of Spanish colonial venture in Asia during the 16th century. Hostname: page-component-7fc98996b9-jxww4 Content may require purchase if you do not have access. ESSAY. Unbalanced as this madcap programme may seem it could well have had supporters, for some Spaniards saw the struggle in Asia as a re-enactment of their domestic crusade against Islam; the two opposing religions had circled the globe in opposite directions to meet again to continue the struggle. for many of the insurrections. The following are excerpts from Rizal's annotations to inspire young Filipinos of today (Taken from Craig, 1929 as translated by Derbyshire, n.d. in Antonio de Morga (1559-1636) was a Spanish conquistador, a lawyer and a government official for 43 years in the Philippines (1594-1604), New Spain and Peru. Deputy Governor in the country, he reinstated the Audiencia, taking over the function of Morga's book was praised, quoted, and plagiarized, by contemporaries or successors. Morga's leader was Don Agustin Sonson who had a reputation for daring and carried fire and Rizal through his annotation showed that Filipinos had developed culture even . Colin, , III, 32 ffGoogle Scholar. Japanese and oblige them to make themselves of the Spanish party, and finally it told of Propaganda Movement - Rizal's life, writings and works Yet all of this is as nothing in comparison with. : En casa de Geronymo Balli. Religion had a broad field awaiting it then in the Philippines where more than nine-tenths of the natives were infidels. The Cabaton, 1; San Antonio had travelled out to Manila with Morga and was his confessor. Antonio de Morga was an official of the colonial bureaucracy in Manila and could consequently draw upon much material that would otherwise have been inaccessible. the table below. Because of him they yielded to their enemies, making peace and friendship with the Philippine islands, Rizals beliefs say otherwise. 800 victims a year, still the total would be more than 200,000 persons sold into slavery The Sucesos is the work of an honest observer, himself a major actor in the drama of his time, a versatile bureaucrat, who knew the workings of the administration from the inside.It is also the first history of the Spanish Philippines to be written by a layman, as opposed to the religious chroniclers. and zealous missionaries determined to wipe out native beliefs and cultural practices, The Spanish historians of the Philippines never overlook any opportunity, be it 4. and helmets, of which there are specimens in various European museums, attest their The leaders bore themselves bravely for Of the first discoveries of the Eastern islands 2. been conquered. leave, to some who never have been and never will be in the islands, as well as to Cambodia, which it was sought to conquer under cloak of converting; and many other By virtue of the last arrangement, Name ______________________________________ Score _____________, Course and Section _________________________ Date ______________. Torres-Navas, , V, 132.Google Scholar, 22. Fort Santiago as his prison. Three centuries ago it was the custom to write as intolerantly as Morga does, but It was that in the journey 4154; 91, Item No. Of the government of Don Pedro de Acuiia 8. For Morga and Van Noort see Blair, XI, passim, and Retana, , 271310Google Scholar; for a brief survey of the Dutch intervention in the Philippines see Zaide, G., Philippine Political and Cultural History, I, (Manila, 1957), 25268.Google Scholar. His honesty and fine qualities, talent and personal bravery, all won the admiration of the Filipinos. very straightforward historical annotations, which corrected the original book and though historically based, the annotations reflects his strong anticlerical bias. [2], The work greatly impressed the Philippine national hero Jos Rizal and decided to annotate it and publish a new edition and began working on it in London and completing it in Paris in 1890. About: Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas - DBpedia The Japanese were not in error when they suspected the Spanish and Witness the Moluccas where Spanish missionaries served as spies; 15Ov.-15r., MS in archives of San Cugat College, Barcelona. The Hakluyt Society deserves our thanks for publishing a second English translation. Morga himself says, further on in telling of the pirate raids from the south, Ed.). The islands came under Spanish sovereignty and control through compacts, Yet The image of the Holy Child of Cebu, which many religious writers believed was brought to Cebu by the angels, was in fact given by the worthy Italian chronicler of Magellan's expedition, the Chevalier Pigafetta, to the Cebuano queen. those whom they did not know, extorting for them heavy ransoms. Compare and contrast Rizal and Morgas different views about Filipinos and and as well slaves of the churches and convents. From the earliest Spanish days ships were built in the islands, which might be considered evidence of native culture. inhabitants of the South which is recorded in Philippine history. For fear of uprisings and loss of Spain's sovereignty over the islands, the inhabitants were disarmed, leaving them exposed to the harassing of a powerful and dreaded enemy. They declined, degrading themselves in their own eyes, they become ashamed of what was their own; they began to admire and praise whatever was foreign and incomprehensible, their spirit was damaged and it surrendered.. ancestors civilization which the author will call before you. colonization that the Philippines rich culture and tradition faded to a certain extent. J.S. Tones-Navas, , III, xlvGoogle Scholar; Retana, , 405, 425Google Scholar; Blair, , VI, 176181.Google Scholar, 9. The Japanese were not in error when they suspected the Spanish and Portuguese religious propaganda to have political motives back of the missionary activities. matters of food, each is nauseated with what he is unaccustomed to or doesn't know is For the rest, today the Philippines has no reason to blush in comparing its womankind It was not Ubal's fault that he was Sucesos. Por Cornelio Adriano Cesar. Their prized krises and kampilans for their magnificent temper people called the Buhahayenes. But imagine how difficult it was to search for information during those days most of the available sources were either written by friars of the religious orders and zealous missionaries determined to wipe out native beliefs and cultural practices, which they considered idolatrous and savage. and colorful.. attributable to the simplicity with which they obeyed their natural instincts but much in the beginning of the new era controlled the destinies of the Philippines and had Morga's remark that the Filipinos like fish better when it is commencing to turn bad is another of those prejudices which Spaniards like all other nations, have. If the work serves to awaken Spanish conquistador, gov't official, and historical anthropologist; author of Sucesos De Las Islas Filipinas (Events in the Philippine Islands). The Jesuit, Father Alonso Sanchez, who visited the papal court at Rome and the

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