the scheduled personal property endorsement quizletthe scheduled personal property endorsement quizlet

B. single family homes D. Medical payments coverage is available for the insured and resident relatives. You may need to purchase a scheduled personal property endorsement if the value of your personal items exceeds the limit on your personal property insurance policy. A. Collapse (Is included in HO-2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, Which of the following coverages applies to personal property owned or used by an insured and is included in all homeowners policies. fire The cause is determined to be a defect in the grill. The insured's tenant -- Tenants must acquire their own insurance to cover their personal property and liability. Policyholders wishing to guard these and other items should purchase additional coverage with a scheduled personal property policy. However, there are limits for the coveragevalue for eachitem. With actual cash value, loss is depreciated based on age and condition. Money is covered up to $500 per occurrence - The limit on money is $200. B. Exhibition floater His insurance agent suggests that he add which endorsement to adequately cover his watch? A Homeowners Policy will not cover theft of a boat away from premises $1,500 for loss by theft -- Jewelry, watches, furs, precious and semiprecious stones are covered up to $1,500 for loss by theft. Medical payments coverage is not available for a residence employee A. Water Damage (Excluded from all homeowners policies), Supplementary payments of the homeowners policy section 2 are paid, Which of the following losses would be 100% covered under Coverage C-personal property, A $1,250 fur coat that was stolen from the premises, Material misrepresentation by the insured requires & Substantial change in risk insured requires. B. Scheduled personal property is an insurance endorsement you can add to your regular homeowners policy. Borrowed property meets the definition of contents Which of the following section 2 liability endorsements provides coverage for business conducted away from the residence premises? Vandalism and malicious mischief losses are excluded under the Homeowners Policy: When the property has been vacant for 60 consecutive days - Since vacant property possesses a higher susceptibility to being vandalized, the policy excludes vandalism coverage when insured homes are vacant for 60 days or longer. B. negative state affect Which statement is correct? intended use Personal Articles Floater, Inland Marine policies are called? An insurance deductible doesnt apply to this coverage. She resides in one unit, her parents in another unit, and each of her three siblings lives in their own unit. D. leased buildings, Each of the following is a Personal Floater EXCEPT: $2,500 for theft of firearms c. $500 for business personal property on the insured premises d. $1,500 for securities, accounts, deeds, and evidences of debt c. $500 for business property What endorsements allows an insured to purchase coverage in excess of the special limits of liability contained in the homeowners policy for certain items of personal property'such as jewelry, fine arts, and musical instruments'and also broadens coverage? C. Coverage is not provided to a garage rented for private garage purposes B. ocean marine, Which peril is covered by a scheduled personal property endorsement? C) The criminal, the crime, a police officer and a court of law. (The home cannot contain more than 4 families), are also eligible for homeowners policy if the named insured is to be the occupant, Which of the following is the correct formula used to calculate ACV, Loss sustained while the injured party is on an insured location with any insured's permission is covered under, The insurance limit for coverage B-other structures is, 10% of Coverage A (Except for HO-4 and HO-6), All of the homeowners forms provide identical. Choose the true statement concerning Homeowners Policies. Which type of liability limit applies to Medical Payments coverage? Sandra, Lynn, and Carole inherited their family home from Mrs. North. covers damages that the insured becomes legally obligated to pay because of bodily injury or property damage caused by an occurrence to which coverage applies. Personal belongings coverage includes items stored off-premisesthis means you are covered anywhere in the world. A. covers inherent vice. Read our, Definition and Examples of Scheduled Personal Property, Pros and Cons of Scheduled Personal Property, Answers to Common Homeowners Insurance Questions, What You Need To Know About Hurricanes and Insurance Coverage. A. Jack and Jill contact their homeowners insurer and ask the claim representative whether they are covered for this loss. Broad perils coverage - These two Forms provide Broad Form Perils Coverage. Your clothing, appliances, furniture, and jewelry are all treated as personal property. C. $250 Credit cards, All of the following properties can be insured under an unendorsed homeowners policy except Installment Sales Floater A scheduled personal property endorsement may be used to cover each of the following EXCEPT: A. bicycles and clothing B. decks and awnings C. birthday gifts and wedding gifts D. paintings and jewelry B. decks and awnings Sheep shipped to market are insured by: A. Inland marine insurance B. homeowner policies A. Inland marine insurance Well not relieve the insure of its policy obligations A. Under the HO-8 policy, the dwelling is valued on which basis? What endorsement changes Coverage C- personal property in the HO-3 from a named peril to open peril? A Fine Art Floater: Scheduled personal property insurance covers you for greater risks than your homeowners' insurance policy. They are concerned about the extent of homeowners coverage for loss to the trees, shrubs, plants, or lawns on the premises. Installment Sales Floater The insurer can do this because losses to personal property are settled on what basis? Residence Employee -- A Residence Employee might be either an inside domestic servant or an outside premise maintenance employee. The amount of Molly's outstanding mortgage was $100,000 at the time her house was destroyed in an explosion. A. With scheduled personal property, you also. The meeting will be held at GIA's headquarters at 200 Cedar St, Seattle, WA 98121. For instance, if you insure your home for $120,000 and your policy covers your personal property at 10%, your personal items will be insured for up to $12,000. C) It is covered for up to 10% of the coverage C limit. Samuel has the 2011 edition of the ISO homeowners policy. Some possessions covered by a scheduled personal property endorsement include jewelry, coin collections, postage stamps, furs, antiques, guns, fine arts, silverware, and other items whose value exceeds what your regular homeowners policy covers. This year, $500,000\$ 500,000$500,000 is to be distributed. Charles Munyi has over eight years of experience as a personal finance writer. B. golfer's equipment, Which Commercial Floater would be used to cover paving machinery? The Scheduled Personal Property Endorsement, HO 04 61, does not define fine arts, leaving the category open for anything that does not fall into the jewelry, furs, cameras, musical. The art world is comparing the (a) seven-year-old, (b) seven year old child prodigy to Picasso. An insurer has this option, because Bridget's homeowners policy has a repair or replace option, Derek insures his home on an HO 3 policy. A scheduled personal property endorsement provides adequate coverage for your valuables, but at the expense of a higher insurance premium. Personal Articles Floater C. Fine art floater 13 Q Marc and Nancy insure their home for $300,000 with a homeowners policy. What are the implications of your statistical conclusions in terms of driving safety recommendations? Your insurance companys underwriting team will review and get back to you with the status of your request. B. The land on which the dwelling is located --- While vacant land is included in the definition of 'insured location,' for the purposes of liability coverage, no property coverage is provided for land under the Homeowners policy. Including debris removal, what is the maximum an HO-3 policy with a Coverage A amount of $250,000 will pay If a detached garage burns down? Which of the following additional coverages is only included in certain homeowners forms? Which statement is true concerning Coverage D of the Homeowners Policy? B) $500.00 C. Borrowed property meets the definition of contents . Payment of the actual cash value or a proportional share of the loss, whichever is greater, Averagenumberofcommonsharesoutstanding, Fundamentals of Financial Management, Concise Edition, Marketing Essentials: The Deca Connection, Carl A. Woloszyk, Grady Kimbrell, Lois Schneider Farese, CHM 101 Exam #3 Chapter 11 Lecture Notes From, Chapter 6 - Addiction Across the Life Span. A. What are the main advantages to the insured if the homeowners policy is a package policy? (Round to the nearest cent. A. The insured's tenant - Roomers or boarders are not considered insureds, and would need to purchase their own liability policies. An insurer may not be sued unless the insured has fully complied with the terms of the homeowners policy and the suit is brought within how many years of the loss date? A. barratry damage to the property of others, Determinants of eligibility for coverage under each homeowner form, dwelling type Is personal property that is usually located in a secondary residence covered under Coverage C? The house was destroyed in a fire and the insurance company paid $300,000 for damage to the dwelling. Personal property is a class of property that can include any type of asset other than real estate. Texas Department of Insurance. Under a Homeowners policy, Coverage B is what percentage of Coverage A? Personal Property Replacement Cost Loss Settlement. By purchasing a scheduled personal property policy, owners can ensure full coverage of expensive items, such as jewelry, in the event of a claim. On wet pavement, the standard deviation of stopping distances is 32 feet. The Tuttles are willing to compromise on insurance coverage to reduce their expenses in maintaining the home. Relatives of the named insured, meaning they are related by blood, marriage, or adoption Under an HO-3 policy, what is the coinsurance requirement? Coverage C: Personal Property Fire insurance covers damage and losses caused by fire and is often purchased in addition to standard homeowners insurance. American Family Insurance. A pipe bursts in Martha's home and water damages the ceiling, walls, and floors as well as furniture and clothing. Bridget reported the theft of her Rolex watch to her insurance company. Scheduled Vs. Unscheduled Personal Property Coverage | Grange Insurance Association Grange Insurance Association's (GIA) Annual Policyholder Meeting will be held on Monday, March 20, at 10:00 a.m. C. reservations lightning A. All of the following are true, except: Power failure, A dwelling policy covers all types of personal properties listed except What Does Homeowners Insurance Cover and Not Cover? Covers people who conduct business at home and have a person injured on their property, The HO-3 provides _____ peril coverage on dwelling and _____ peril coverage on personal property, Standard exclusions in the homeowners forms, Earth movement C. It covers injury to an employee, as well as attendees, arising out of day care operations A standard homeowners insurance policy covers your personal property up to a specific limit. On a standard homeowners policy, coverage divides into categories including. It extends Section II coverages to the insured's home day care business --- The Home Day Care Coverage Endorsement extends the coverage of the Homeowners Section II to the Day Care Business. These duties include household and domestic services, such as those of a gardener or nanny. A windstorm damages Tyrone and Belinda's garage and screened-in porch. Coverage may be increased beyond the $2,500 additional coverage (10.) The policy could extend 50% personal property coverage, providing a max claims payout of $125,000. C. a home under construction that the owner intends to occupy Loss assessment, What is specifically excluded from Coverage C - personal property, property rented to others off of the residence premises B) Scheduled personal property endorsement. Personal inland marine coverage eliminates many of the various person-al property issues on the homeowners policy forms (and endorsements) and provides a straightforward coverage option. C. 100% of the actual cash value. What is relocation diffusion in human geography? Moving property adds some risks you don't normally face, so it makes sense to protect your farm personal property if you're going to be moving it from place to place. $74,850.0035,798.00. A. A. Which of the following would be covered under the Damage to Property of Others additional coverage of the Homeowners Policy? If the cost to repair or replace is less than five percent of the dwelling limit and less than $2,500, the holdback requirement does not apply. Choose the false statement regarding the coverage of property under a Homeowners Policy. Total liability coverage resulting from any one occurrence may not exceed the Coverage E limit that is stated in the policy A better solution. Damage caused intentionally by the insured's 10-year-old son ----Intentional damage by a child under age 13 is covered. \text{\$200} & \text{2\\% compounded annually} & \text{2 yr} & \text{a. Advertisement A. golf clubs What homeowners policy form would best suit the Tuttles' needs. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. How would a covered loss to their home be settled or adjusted? Which of the following is not an option available to Laura? B. It includes the Broad Form named perils on an actual cash value basis --- The HO-4 provides Broad Form named perils coverage on an actual cash value basis. D. Contractor's Equipment Floater, Inland Marine will NOT cover: The insurance company says it will replace the watch instead of making a loss payment. The dwelling and other structures (Coverages A and B) are written on an open perils basis -- The HO-3 (Special Form) provides the broadest coverage available on structures: open perils (or all-risk) coverage. All of the following statements is correct about a Homeowners Policy, except: The Home Day Care endorsement does not provide which of the following? Scheduled personal property is optional coverage you can add to your standard homeowners insurance policy to cover more risks and increase coverage limits on some high-value items. Bart keeps a dog that is known in the neighborhood to be vicious. B. Also known as. Under the cancellation condition, the insurer can cancel for any reason with 10 days' written notice to the insured during, Marketing Essentials: The Deca Connection, Carl A. Woloszyk, Grady Kimbrell, Lois Schneider Farese, Donald E. Kieso, Jerry J. Weygandt, Terry D. Warfield. The right of privacy was not acknowledged as a separate right until the 1960s. Find (a) the maturity value and (b) the present value of the note assuming 5%5 \%5% per year compounded semiannually. To earn some extra money, Mrs. Holden babysits her next door neighbor's children on a regular basis in her own home. Mr. Yerby purchased a homeowners policy to provide insurance for personal liability and the belongings in his apartment. \end{array} Open perils coverage is available by Endorsement for scheduled items at an additional premium. One classified ad lists a job that pays 64.6K. B. Insects and vermin Another job he found has a weekly salary of $1,120. In the research study, 16 automobiles traveling at the same speeds are tested for stopping distances on wet pavement and then tested for stopping distances on dry pavement. The markings on the door did not permanently damage it but the door required cleaning and minor repair work. All of the following are eligible for coverage under a homeowners policy except, Are eligible for homeowners policy if the mobile home endorsement is attached. $$ NetincomeAveragenumberofcommonsharesoutstandingYear3$3,695617.2Year2$3,789645.2Year1$5,681652.6, A. What Coverage C special limit of liability applies to the loss? A) Special limits of liability. Tom and Ann have just bought a condominium for their residence. On what basis was the loss settled? The coverage for Damage to Property of Others excludes property that is covered in Section I 70% of the replacement cost. D. Damage to property owned by the insured's tenant. Scheduled personal property covers additional risks that your standard homeowners policy doesnt cover. A Special personal property. For example, this endorsement wont cover property damage due to normal wear and tear, or loss caused by corrosion or rust. C) No coverage is available. D. jewelry, A dry cleaner delivering clothes to customers should get: A show dog He asks his insurance agent if the family cemetery plot and the small greenhouse he rents to a friend who grows and sells orchids are also covered under the policy. \text{\$25.000} & \text{2.1\\% compounded monthly} & \text{64 mo} & \text{d.}\\ A HO-3 policy provides coverage on which basis? Under what coverage part of her homeowners policy is the lumber insured? Personal Injury Endorsement - The Personal Injury Endorsement provides coverage for injuries to others that are not of a physical nature. D. Breakage, Fundamentals of Financial Management, Concise Edition, Claudia Bienias Gilbertson, Debra Gentene, Mark W Lehman, Fundamental Financial Accounting Concepts, Alvin A Arens, Mark A Beasley, Randal J Elder. Julia Kagan is a financial/consumer journalist and former senior editor, personal finance, of Investopedia. Under what section of her homeowners policy is the pool insured, if at all? Bodily injury sustained by an employee in the course of employment, damage arising out of boats rented to others, and damage arising out of watercraft being operated in a race are not covered. Youll need to provide copies of either appraisals or receipts of your items before an insurer can provide scheduled personal property coverage. George is a sales representative and keeps much of his business equipment and merchandise in his home and in his car. Property in transit. Unscheduled personal property refers to items that are covered by personal property coverage but have not been specifically itemized; these items are subject to the standard coverage limits. storage shed. Damage to Property of Others coverage is provided up to a specified limit regardless of negligence - Damage to Property of Others pays up to $1,000 regardless of whether the insured is liable or not. Costs the insured was already paying before incurring the loss are not covered. Liability Coverages are set forth in Section II of the Policy. occupancy (no more than 4), A homeowners policy insures the personal property of, - the named insured - any other residents who are under 21 and in the care of any member of the insured's family property removed, Section II provides coverage to third parties including, first aid provided by the insure A complete list or inventory of your personal property and its total value will help you decide how much coverage is adequate and make filing claims easier. Although she is willing to accept the insurer's settlement offer for the ceiling, walls, and hardwood floors, she objects to the insurer taking into account depreciation of the furniture and clothing. Functional Replacement Value - Functional replacement cost is the cost to replace the damaged property with property that performs the same function, but is not like-kind or quality. Theft of silverware is covered up to $2,500 C. Money is covered up to $500 per occurrence D. The Scheduled Personal Property Endorsement provides open perils coverage The extent to which a person feels enthusiastic, active and alert is known as ________. B. \text{\$400} & \text{1.5\\% compounded semlannualiy} & \text{4 yr} & \text{b. For a homeowners policy, which one of the following statements about insuring personal property normally kept at a residence other than the residence premises is CORRECT? A standard homeowners policy typically includes coverage for: Homeowners policies typically pay a percentage of your dwelling coverage limit to repair or replace your clothes, furniture, and other personal property. reasonable repairs What is the ppp-value? War B. Which of the following is true regarding the HO-3 (Special Form)? Are Izzy's personal belongings, including his electronic equipment, insured under Natalie's homeowners policy? Which of the following is true regarding an unendorsed HO-4 (tenants form)? Yvette's diamond ring is listed in the schedule of the Scheduled Personal Property Endorsement (HO 04 61) attached to her homeowners policy. A commercial bank has $100 million in checkable-deposit liabilities and$12 million in actual reserves. D. Coverage F limits are subject to a deductible. Under an HO-2 policy with a coverage limit of $50,000 on the dwelling, what is the amount of personal property coverage that would be available? }\\ The HO 2 insures all property on a named perils basis while the HO 3 insures real property on an open perils basis and personal property on a named perils basis. B. Home-Based Business Insurance: What It Is, Costs, and Companies, Home Daycare Insurance: What It Is, Costs, and Companies. Coverage D of a Homeowners Policy includes loss of income from an incidental business -- Coverage D does not cover loss of income from an incidental business. The agent recommends either the HO 2 Broad Form or the HO 3 Special Form. The required reserve ratio is 10 percent. Cater pillar I nc. A. birthday gifts Scheduled personal property endorsement lists each insured item, a description of the item, its insured value and highlights the excluded perils. Jack knows that his homeowners policy pays for damage to the home on the basis of replacement value. Accessed Oct. 15, 2021. You may not realize the value of what you own until your home is damaged or vandalized. B. mariners An endorsement can settle personal property losses on a replacement cost basis. C. Payment under Damage to Property of Others is made regardless of negligence Scheduled personal property is a supplemental insurance policy that extendscoveragebeyond the standard protection provided in a homeowners'insurance policy. At a .05 level of significance, do the sample data justify the conclusion that the variance in stopping distances on wet pavement is greater than the variance in stopping distances on dry pavement? The definition also includes a person who performs similar duties elsewhere that are not related to any business of the insured, such as a person hired to paint the insured's house, as so long as the insured doesn't own a business that paints houses. Which of the following is not an Additional Coverage on the homeowners policy? For more jewelry. C. homes Take pictures of all items and receipts, and send them to your insurer. The Watercraft Liability endorsement provides which coverage? Kevin came home from work to find that his house had been vandalized. Accessed Oct. 15, 2021. But here are the steps you can take to get the right amount of scheduled personal property insurance: You may need to take a picture of your item on top of the appraisal or receipt if youre insuring jewelry. These items are covered for losses caused by all the perils included in your policy such as fire, windstorm, theft and vandalism. An insured has a personal property replacement cost endorsement under her homeowners policy. This basic homeowners insurance policy only covers losses caused by a peril named in the policy. Under what additional coverage did his homeowners insurance company reimburse him because he incurred expenses to board up the broken windows? The scheduled personal property endorsement provides open peril coverage C. Theft of silverware is covered up to $2,500 D. Money is covered up to $500 per occurrence Money is covered up to $500 per occurrence The limit on money is $200. Installment Sales Floater The land on which the dwelling is located Another benefit of a scheduled personal property endorsement is the extra coverage you would not have under standard personal property coverage. Mr. Conrad lives on the second floor of a duplex he bought. D) Whatever it will reasonably cost. What is it? D. It covers injury to attendees while loading or unloading them from draft or saddle animals. Coverage F: Medical Expenses, Example that is covered under Coverage A: dwelling, Example that is covered under Coverage D: loss of use, The loss of income from the boarder in a house having to be moved, Example that is covered under additional coverages.

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