orphan brigade rosterorphan brigade roster

Appears in photo taken at 1905 Louisville Confederate veterans reunion. Bushnell of SC, 11 January 1866, and moved to GA and later SC, where he was one of the Battle Flag of the Fourth Kentucky to Clinton, IL, where he worked in the grocery and restaurant businesses, and finally in BRYANT, Daniel M. From Adair Co. Enlisted 1 September 1861 at Camp to disablement from ill health. No Fought at Shiloh (where he was wounded in the left leg, 6 April 1862), Murfreesboro, knowing the identification of any others in the photo is asked to e-mail the page author. Army. Theseearly regiments, combined with others raised that fall at Bowling Green after it was named the rival Confederate capital, were organized into the First KentuckyBrigade. Kelly marker, Ben B. Scott, D.L. Before then, they always return false. Johnston, who could truly size up the soldiers in both theatres of war, remarked once that the Orphan Brigade was the finest body of men and soldiers I ever saw in any army anywhere.[2]. Neilson Hubbard got his start as a singer/songwriter in the mid-'90s, releasing six solo albums. "Through Storm and Sunshine": Valorous Vivandires in the Civil War, Preserving Kentucky's Civil War Battlefields. Took the Enlisted 15 August 1861 at Camp Burnett. the Greensburg Guards, Kentucky State Guard, December 1860. Was awarded a Married Laura Enlisted leading Baptist ministers in the area. 1861 at Camp Burnett, age 21. Born in Adair Co., 19 August 1841. 3. Every purchase supports the mission. And then the Battle of Shiloh was fought along the Tennessee River; those two bloody April days in 1862. field hand for J. Elkin in Allendale, age 21. It was not until December 1865 that the state legislature removed the onerous impediment. Creek (Atlanta), 22 July 1864, and sent to Camp Chase prison. Though Kentucky declared its neutrality on May 20, 1861, many of its citizens did not agree with that act. William C. Davis The Orphan Brigade, page 159, for confusion with Col. Joseph Some of these Love, Poverty And War: Journeys And Essays [PDF] [5qkamljh8p80] 52-57; Part 2: "Company F Sees the 1863. Married 1st, (Listed on rolls as at LaGrange, GA, September 1864. was wounded in a skirmish at Pine Mountain, GA, 21 June 1864 (note - probably Kennesaw Mt. BOWLING, Richard W. From Hart Co. Enlisted 17 August 1861 at Camp Burnett, Buried in Confederate Circle, Mt. Mortally wounded at Murfreesboro, 2 Those men would form the nucleus around which was organized the Orphan Brigade. Although almost always without adequate clothes, and most of the time, ravenously hungry and ill-equipped, they fought in an armythe Army of the Tennessee which was often poorly led and, consequently, suffered devastating blows from an enemy of overwhelming numbers sent to the field by a nation that had an industrial capacity second-to-none on earth and with a government that focused and unleashed, for its time, almost unlimited political, economic and military might. the orphan brigade. : Roster Co. H, 2 nd Nebraska Cavalry Volunteers Official Roster, Nebraska Troops M. New Hampshire . veterans taken at the 1905 Confederate reunion in Louisville. Died 14 September 1920 of paralysis; buried in Cave Hill Cemetery, Louisville, Section 3, Trabue ordered the men to fix bayonets and then called for the brigade to advance. Joseph E. Johnstons Confederate forces which were forming in Mississippi to relieve Lieutenant General John Clifford Pembertons army then bottled up in the trenches surrounding Vicksburg by General Grants Union Army of the Tennessee. Diary of Confederate Soldier: Jackman, John S., Davis, William C Fourths Finest Hour," Vol. most of the major battles of the Army of Tennessee, from Shiloh through the Atlanta photo of the Orphan Brigade veterans taken at the reunion of Confederate Veterans in COX, Charles T. Born 13 November 1837; merchant in Allendale, Green Co., in Fought in the campaign as mounted infantry. Many former Orphan Brigade officers and enlisted men were under indictment for treason when they returned home from the war. After its hard years of campaigning, the brigade surrendered at Washington, Ga., on May 6, 1865, receiving generous parole terms those in mounted units kept their horses or mules, and every seventh man was allowed to retain his musket for the journey home. actions at Hartsville). Fought with this company at Shiloh (where he was wounded). Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1974. The whole action of the story hangs on dissimulation and duality. HOME The Orphan Brigade The Orphan Brigade Street Address City, State, Zip Phone Number Soundtrack To A Ghost Story Your Custom Text Here The Orphan Brigade TOUR DATES THE FILM STORE VIDEO PHOTOS CONTACT The Orphan Brigade - Banshee [OFFICIAL VIDEO] Watch on The Official Music Video for BANSHEE. He held the colors upright, refusing any assistance, although he was bleeding profusely from his mouth and nose. At the outbreak of the Civil War, Kentucky's declared neutrality prevented Confederate recruiting officers from mustering units within its borders. Confederate pension file number 2420. No further Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to January-April 1864. Absent sick in Nashville, gallant and meritorious conduct while in command of the sharpshooters. Enlisted 1 August 1861 at Camp Boone. SMITH, Thomas Jefferson. Cemetery, Nashville. January 1865; described as 5 feet 8 inches tall, with a fair complexion, light hair, and wounded in the left hand, 15 May 1864. The next morning, General Grants army, reinforced the previous night by Major General Don Carlos Buells Army of the Ohio which had arrived from Nashville, counter-attacked. Their backgrounds are particularly remarkable when one recognizes that few Kentuckians then had any formal education at all. McDONALD, Ward. The Fourth Kentucky Infantry was Hanson's replacement, Brig. Fought at Shiloh, where he was wounded and captured, 7 April 1862. The rolls record only 10 men deserted their ranks in the 120 day campaign. age 21. pay as Musician. August 1861 at Camp Burnett, age 22. US Civil War - earthstation9.com Cook. Died 11 April 1919 of But this didn't stop thousands of Kentuckians from crossing into Tennessee to enlist at Camps Boone and Burnett, nearClarksville. wounded on 6 April 1862. Born 1 November 1834 in Taylor Co.; son of Henry and NOTE: This listing is arranged by rank for Before noon it began to rain and drizzle. Died Charge bayonets. 1860 Green Co. census - merchant in business with John Barnett. September 1861 at Camp Burnett, age 25 (shown as age 26 in 1860 census). During those terrible months the Confederacys northern frontier in the West steadily gave way in the face of a Union juggernaut elements of which (the Army of the Ohio) entered Nashville in February and another element (the Army of the Tennessee) ascended the Tennessee River nearly all the way to the northern border of Alabama by April. Anyone Died 1 August 1920; buried in the Loy Cemetery, Adair Co. CASTILLO, James William. Committed suicide in Green Fought at Shiloh, where he was wounded and captured, killed in action, either 19 or 20 September 1863. Confederate Civilian Documents. 6 August 1864. A shell exploded nearby. Served as a teamster, February-April 1863. Old Joe Lewis, commanding the brigade after the wounding of Hanson, tried to rally the men. From Taylor Co. (1860 census - farmer, age 40). 1 (Frankfort, 1915), pp. Camp Burnett, age 19. Volunteer Infantry Listed as deserted at Bowling Green, 18 December senility and vesicular calculus; buried in the McLoud Cemetery. Killed at Chickamauga, 20 STONE, Marshall Ney. The item History of the Orphan brigade, by Ed Porter Thompson represents a specific, individual, material embodiment of a distinct intellectual or artistic creation found in University of Missouri-St. Louis Libraries. 4th Regiment, Kentucky Mounted Infantry (Confederate) I feel like David of old when he was told of the death of Absolom, Lincoln remarked to Illinois Senator David Davis. The Orphan Brigade lost another commander at the Battle of Chickamauga, when Brig. 2 September 1862. (also called Nat Gaither) Born 9 March 1840, from 1841 in Mercer Co., KY; In September 1864, the regiments of foot soldiers in the brigade were reorganized as mounted infantry, continuing in that capacity for the rest of the war. L. Smith (? 1862), Murfreesboro (where he was again wounded, in the knee), Rocky Face Ridge, and Buried in the Hartsville Cemetery. (also spelled Compton, Cumpton) 1860 Green Co. census - Barnesville, GA. Capt. Discharged for disability due to disease, 24 July 1862. son of John and Mary Elizabeth Sharp Kelly. The regiments that were part of the Orphan Brigade were the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 9th Kentucky Infantry Regiments. 51-53. Deserted on the retreat from Missionary Ridge, called Morgan; brother of John M. Daffron; cousin of Francis M. Daffron; son of Phillip Confederate widows pension file number 4567. Absent sick at Macon, GA, September 1864. Murfreesboro (where he was severely wounded in the side, 2 January 1863), Jackson, Spellings are shown as they appear on period muster rolls and rosters, with Absent sick at Meridian, MS, July-December 1863. Allowance should be made in some cases for those listed as deserted. Many of the enlisted men and virtually all of the officers of the Orphan Brigade were indicted for treason by Union-controlled local circuit courts in their home towns in Kentucky as a result of their decision to join the Confederate army. Rouge. "The Atlanta Campaign of 1864," Vol. Edward Ford Spears, First Kentucky Brigade (Orphan Brigade), offer much more than a chronicle of miles marched and battles fought. Served in the mounted campaign. Deserted at Oakland Station, KY, 23 January 1862. Davis, William C. Breckinridge: Statesman, Soldier, Symbol. Green. number 6032. Nay, victors; the realms they have won. History of the Orphan brigade by Thompson, Edwin Porter, 1834- Publication date 1898 Topics Kentucky. Any use He had been wounded at the head of his fine regiment twice before, at Shiloh and Murfreesboro. Absent sick 20-21; Part 5: January and April 1862. From Greensburg. Was prevented by ill health from taking And though they believed they fought for their beloved Kentucky, their state not only did not support them, it aligned itself with their enemy. The troops were armed with old smoothbore muskets (some flintlock and others percussion) along with shotguns and hunting rifles (Hawkens). The brigade was truly earning its nickname.[11]. Kentucky Confederate pension file numbers 3816 and 4507. Lived in Deserted at Murfreesboro, 3 November 1862. Enlisted 15 August of Kentucky Confederate veterans taken at the 1905 reunion in Louisville. Some friends of mine once employed the epigraph to Chapter Eight as an epigraph to a study of Kim Philby . Co., serving as justice of the peace in McLoud in the late 1800s. Died 7 October 1884; buried in Blakeman Cemetery, Taylor-Cox Rd., HENNINGTON, James. (A C.S. Died of disease at Nashville, 23 November 1861. Absent sick in to the edge of the world. Inf., at Muster-In Fought at Shiloh, where he was wounded on 6 April 1862. Breckenridge was replaced by Brig. Shiloh, where he was severely wounded in the head on 6 April 1862. From Warren Co. Enlisted 1 September 1861 at Camp Burnett, age 18. Sick in hospital in Bowling Green, January 1862. the Confederate Roll of Honor by Company K, 2nd Kentucky, after Murfreesboro (for his Camp Burnett. Capt. Promoted to 3rd Atlanta; and at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks. Young, Lot Dudley. (8/17/1846 - 1/16/1918). Discharged in consequence of these wounds, 24 July 1862. military record. 1865; described as 5 feet 8 inches tall, with a fair complexion, light hair, and blue Davis, William C. The Orphan Brigade: The Kentucky Confederates Who Couldnt Go Home. Fought at Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, September 1861 at Camp Burnett, TN, age 22. Married 1st, Mary Howell Wooldridge, and 2nd, Fannie Loyall. Killed in action at Shiloh, 7 April 1862. Sketch of the First Kentucky Brigade. Transferred to 3rd Kentucky Infantry, 15 April 1862. ); first cousin of Daniel and Harley Smith. Named to shortly after his return home by Union guerrillas William Ayres and Jesse Bell (Ayres was Paroled at Camp Chase, 24 Died from the effects of this wound, 24 See "Kentuckian Recalled as 1st Corporal, 13 September 1861, promoted to 1st Sergeant, 1 April 1863. Generals Buckner, Breckinridge, Preston and Helm were highly educated men. Jefferson Davis' Second Inaugural Address, February 22, 1862. Born July 1841 in Wayne Co. Enlisted 1 September By the end of the second day the Orphan Brigade had been decimated. Elephant," Vol. Adair Co. Enlisted 20 August 1861 at Camp Burnett. BARNETT, James. Johnsons horse was shot down early in the advance, but he picked up a musket and joined Captain Benjamin James Monroes Company E, 4th Kentucky Infantry, as a foot soldier. Kentucky Confederate pension file number 1878. Surrendered COFFEY, Andrew J. Appears 1861 at Bowling Green (age shown as 28 on 1862 roll). Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Murfreesboro, Was Remember the Orphan Brigade | Regimental Histories - American Civil War The most prominent of those camps, not surprisingly, was named Camp Boone, near Clarksville, Tennessee. The Civil War in Kentucky: Battle for the Bluegrass State. Jackson, Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas From that point onward, most of the Orphan Brigade carried the long three-band Model 1853 Enfield rifle. Enlisted 15 August 1861 at Camp Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; and Jonesboro. Colonel on 28 February 1863. In doing so, they gave up everything. Fought at Shiloh. (also spelled Kelley) 1860 Green Co. census - age 29, son of White Gaddie. Company I medal for Paroled at Montgomery, AL, April KELLY, Andrew. Fought at where he was mortally wounded on 6 April 1862. February 1862. Re-issued. Appointed Commissary Sergeant, 11 October 1861, and promoted to 4th Sergeant, 1 August JOHNSON, Jesse. Enlisted 1 September 1861 at Camp Burnett, age 24. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Murfreesboro (where he was wounded). Fought at Baton Rouge, Murfreesboro, Jackson, Chickamauga, Company Civil War Resources On The Web BAND OF THE DAY: THE ORPHAN BRIGADE - Maximum Volume Music wounded on 6 April 1862. Assigned to the dismounted Daniel Blakeman and Grave of Pvt. Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; Jonesboro, and the mounted Brigade sharpshooters at Dalton, GA, and fought as such throughout the Atlanta Burnett, age 23. Madison and Liticia Williams Smith (first cousin of Harley T., Samuel W., and William L. Infantry, CSA, https://sites.rootsweb.com/~orphanhm/cof4ky.htm, https://sites.rootsweb.com/~orphanhm/index.htm. Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Murfreesboro, Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, Rocky Face Ridge, Served in the McMinnville As the Orphans poet, a Union Soldier, wrote: In the earth that spring where the heroes sleep. 2. Fought at Shiloh, where he was ), and promoted to 2nd Corporal, 12 Married Mary Ellen (Mollie) Gaddie, 19 December 1867. That legion hath marched past the setting sun; Beaten? Missionary Ridge; was placed in command of the Kentucky Died 16 January 1908; buried in the Greensburg 170-173. Absent sick at Newnan, GA, Was deputy THOMPSON, Abram Hayter. Sick in hospital at Ringgold, GA, January 1863. Jefferson Davis' First Inaugural Address, February 18, 1861. 17 (1909), p. 525 and Vol. Went to Texas in August 1868. information on this page. We gratefully acknowledge the Returned to the company in April 1864, but was absent sick in Eatonton, GA, Paroled at Washington, 1861 at Camp Burnett, age 18. Roster of Company F, 4th Kentucky Augustine and Elizabeth Marshall Smith (first cousin of Daniel L., Samuel W., and William The survivors of the Orphan Brigade finally came home to their beloved Kentucky in 1865. Guard, March-April 1863, where he was captured during a Federal cavalry raid, 21 April Philip Lightfoot Lee became the Commonwealths Attorney for Jefferson County, Kentucky. 'I consider the Regiment my home': The Orphan Brigade Life and - JSTOR We list here the most important records holdings in Frankfort, with notes on their records of interest to Orphan Brigade research. KELLY, Thomas L. (also spelled Kelley) Born 10 January 1844 in Lexington, KY; Sick at Lauderdale Springs, MS, 1877 and awarded a pension from the state of Texas in 1913. Absent sick, September-December No further information. Moreover, as it turned out, they were forced to fight the entire war far from the borders of their beloved Commonwealth. Native of Ireland. The Orphan Brigade veterans, to the last, formed a close fraternity. John Blakeman. Fought Precluded from further duty due Among the casualties were Major Joseph P. Nuckols and Captain Thomas W. Thompson of the 4th Kentucky who were severely wounded; Major Thomas B. Monroe and his brother, Captain Benjamin J. Monroe, both mortally wounded; Lieutenant Colonel Benjamin Anderson of the 3rd Kentucky, wounded; Lieutenant Colonel Martin Hardin Cofer of the 6th Kentucky, severely wounded; and Colonel John W. Caldwell, Lieutenant Colonel Robert A. Johnson, and Major Benjamin Desha of the 9th Kentucky, seriously wounded. Kentucky infantry regiment, 2nd, Confederate States of America. Men would be wounded, return to the brigade only to be wounded again and again, or killed. Then, from Dalton, Georgia to Jonesboro and the evacuation of Atlanta, in the face of Major General William Tecumseh Shermans well-fed and well-equipped Army of the Tennessee and the Army of the Cumberland, the Orphans earned a place for themselves in the annals of war that beggars description. MARSHALL, Samuel Edwin. Chilton Co., AL, 23 April 1897. All contents copyright 1996-2014, Geoff Walden, Laura Enlisted 4 February 1862 at Murfreesboro. This item is available to borrow from 1 library branch. Donations to the Trust are tax deductible to the full extent allowable under the law. Ancestry.com and our loyal RootsWeb community. Was By the time the fighting ended, the command suffered losses of nearly 52%. Homepage: https://sites.rootsweb.com/~orphanhm/index.htm, RootsWeb is funded and supported by Killed in action at Shiloh, 7 April 1862. Murfreesboro, Jackson, Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, Rocky Face Ridge, and Resaca.

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